Thursday, March 10, 2011

Videos: Guadalupe Plata

Blues rock groups are a dime a dozen these days, but these guys are something ripped from the gates of hell.

Hailing from Spain, Guadalupe Plata play a mix of blues and spaghetti western style tunes while smoking a pipe packed with a suicidal mix of sex, heat and eternal damnation.

They've made some extremely badass video clips, including one incredibly NSFW where they play a live show at a strip joint, while a young lady entertains the crowd with some seriously impressive acrobatics and a very long string of beads. I can only imagine she makes her dad very proud.

They're heading to SXSW this year where hopefully someone will dig their vibe and get them touring more extensively outside of Europe, so we can go see them rip the house down (and maybe get in on some of that bead action too).

Pollo Podrio:

Guadalupe Plata - Pollo Podrío from NYSUfilms on Vimeo.

Como Una Surpiente! (NSFW!!!!!!)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Song: Dum Dum Girls – Wrong Feels Right

Dum Dum Girls have released a new amazing EP and are showing us yet again that there is much more to them than just fuzzy production and a couple of catchy hooks.

The 'He Gets Me High' EP shows off the band's maturing song writing skills and how they are honing their sound as a musical unit.

This fantastic song is the opener on the EP, but the record also has a fucking gorgeous cover of The Smiths 'There Is A Light That Never Goes Out.'

We recommend you buy it now!

Video: Unknown Mortal Orchestra – Thought Ballune

I was gonna skip the opening band for the Smith Westerns for their Toronto gig the other night 'cos I was feelin' tired/shitty.

Fucking luckily I didn't 'cos I would have missed these dudes tear the stage up.

Hailing from Portland/Auckland they play a funky, psycho-chillwave kinda rock that almost blew the headliners off the stage.

This song is from their debut EP: